Custom WordPress site specialists - web design, hosting and online growth

Comb Hommes - WordPress website

Comb Hommes

Combinatie Hommes (Combination Hommes) is the best long distance loft in The Netherlands in 2018 and 2019. Specialized in the Middaglossing overnacht (NPO) (Afternoon release overnight) & ZLU flights.

They wanted us to make a new website. Their new website has colors that match up with the colors of their beautiful pigeons: green, purple, light gray, and white.

Visitors of this website come from all over the world, so we made it possible for visitors to switch between Dutch, English, and Chinese.

It was a fun project with a unique topic!

CombHommes - Parallax blockCombHommes - De Kok

Before & After

Comb Hommes - Before

Comb Hommes - Before - Desktop view Comb Hommes - Before - Tablet view Comb Hommes - Before - Mobile view

Comb Hommes - After

Comb Hommes - After - Desktop view Comb Hommes - After - Tablet view Comb Hommes - After - Mobile view