Custom WordPress site specialists - web design, hosting and online growth


The frontend is what a visitor sees when they open a website/webshop. We use this term when we want to distinguish between the public part of a webste/webshop and the administrative part (which is called the backend).
The backend is the administrative part of a website/webshop. We use this term when we want to distinguish between the administrative part of a website/webshop and the public part (which is called the frontend).
Content is a collective name for text, images, videos and audio. Content is necessary for websites, webshops, advertisements, and so on.
Vanilla is a term that we use in the context of programming languages. Programming languages like JavaScript also have frameworks build for them to make it easier for programmers to develop, like jQuery. However, frameworks can worsen the speed of a website or application if the framework has lots of functions (of which often only a handful are being used by the developer). This is the reason why we use as little frameworks as possible. We prefer using functions that are available through the programming language - that is what is called vanilla programming.
JavaScript is a programming language that we use for functionalities that have to be run by the browser, like the functionalities of a website or webshop.
PHP is a programming language we use for functions that have to be run by the server.
The browser is a program/application - on a computer, tablet, smartphone or other devices - that is used to open websites and webshops. Known browsers are Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari (by Apple), and Mozilla Firefox.
The server is a computer that stores websites, webshops, and/or other applications. Your own computer, smartphone, etc., communicates with the server and, for instance, signals the server what kind of page should be loaded. The server will then send the necessary files to your browser, which will draw the web page for you.